Sunday, April 29, 2012

Craft Gossip

I found a wonderful site with lots of crafty info and they have very kindly given Ten Plus Textiles a plug

check out the website- I think you'll be hooked!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

When Life Hands You Lemons....

What do you do when the printer goes potty and churns out page after page of unwanted maths homework?

Make paper planes!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Liebster Blog Award :D

I have been given this lovely award by Joy at Perfect Little World. I feel very honoured! Thank you very much Joy :D

The rules are as follows:
  • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
  • Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you
  • Copy and paste the blog award on your blog
  • Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed (see below)
  • Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
I love reading all the blogs that I subscribe to and they inspire me in so many ways. So I would like to nominate the following blogs from my list of favourites. (If I have chosen you, please don't feel pressured- it is just for fun)

Aileen at Always a feast for the eyes, Aileen creates the most wonderful, colourful felt artworks.

Gail (and of course Bertie) at for the epic adventures of a very handsome dog.

Steph at for beautiful crochet.

Rebecca at for felt sculpture, jewellery and especially cute felt creatures.

Libertybelle at - a beautiful blog full of gorgeous textile creations.

Why not give yourself a treat and take a peak at their lovely blogs!

    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    Arran feels quite a long way away now. Everyone has gone back to work and school and the dog is a bit confused.

    I'm really missing the sea. We had a lovely walk along the canal at the weekend, but it isn't quite the same.

    There is something special and life affirming about walking along the shore, listening to the sea breathing. The air is so clear and the sky is huge!

    You never know what treasures you might find.(This is the shore at the front of the cottage we stayed in).
     I love the colours and textures of old, weathered boats.

    It's educational too- my children enjoyed explaining the different features of coastal erosion.

    We had a walk to King's Caves which is where Robert the Bruce hid from his enemies. The story of him watching the determination of a spider and being inspired to go back out into battle originates from the caves in this area.

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    A Shaggy Dog and a Haricut

    Apologies for my recent lack of blogging. Life got a bit hectic, then we had a family holiday on the Isle of Arran. We have never been before and it was beautiful. It is always a joy to spend time together with our children and it was a real opportunity to slow down for a while, unplug from (most) of the daily distractions and laugh together. We are increasingly aware of how precious these times are and try not to wonder for how much longer the older children will want to come away with us!

    As for Alfie- he will never tire of chances to run free on  the beach, eat seaweed and dead crabs and snuggle up in the evenings with his whole pack around him.

    We took him for a haircut after his holiday.

    Now we have a much smarter version. This is the funny stance he takes when you put his harness on "Oops! I've lost the use of my legs!"

    We can see his eyes now! He still manages to sport a rather windswept beard!

    Two of my beautiful boys with their new haircuts :D

    My third beautiful boys prefers to stay curly!

    Some piccies of Arran coming soon.....

    Sunday, April 8, 2012


    I hope that didn't startle you- I know I have been quiet for a while!

    Happy Easter!!! I'll be back soon.........