Thursday, January 5, 2012

Slow Off The Starting Block!

                   May I belatedly wish you a very Happy New Year!!!

 I haven't exactly leapt into 2012, in true Olympic style. It has been more of a gentle lollop!! We had a bit of a false start yesterday as my youngest missed his first day back at school because he had a migraine. It was a bit uncertain this morning, but he has gone in. I have been expecting a phone call from school all day, but so far so good.

The weather is truly awful. We were kept awake by a cacophony of tumbling dustbins clattering bottles all over the road and when I went for my dog walk this morning the streets were littered with branches, leaves, 3 different colours of bins and rubbish! Alfie is feeling a bit short-changed by having a street walk, but a soggy, wind-battered field was a step too far for me this morning!

(Gazing longingly at the outside world or is he relieved to be indoors?)

I have lots of plans to get started on; a new Ten Plus Textiles exhibition is fast approaching, socks to knit, birthday presents to make and even an idea to make some Christmas card early for next year. I'm keen to watch lots of Design Matters TV (I used my Christmas money to take out a subscription) and use the inspiration to develop new skills.

So far though, I have only managed to begin to clear the decks (and the decs), the food shopping is done and I have blocked a little time in my diary tomorrow to start sketching some ideas. None of that is very exciting, so instead I'll show you the new socks that I am knitting, which hopefully will end up with 10 toes all set at the correct angles!

I absolutely love this yarn- it has a bit of sparkle, which I find I am being gradually drawn towards as I get older.

How is your New Year panning out so far- have you hit the ground running or are you easing yourself in?

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