Monday, August 5, 2013

Highs and Lows of Summer

There is a break in the heatwave for now and we seem to be galloping through the summer holidays.
Recently I have had a lot of bother with technical equipment and the computer is giving me endless frustration. Some time ago my portable hard-drive broke and I lost most of my photos. I managed to retrieve some from various places, but I had to come to terms with losing the majority.
We bought  a new hard-drive and I've been merrily saving my photos there, thinking about backing them up on Mr Dotty's much larger storage and waiting for him to have time off work so we could tick that job off our "to-do" list. He took his holiday, we all went to London for a few days, came home, plugged in my hard -drive to download my pictures of the Big Smoke and the damned thing decided it had corrupted!!! One IT expert later and I'm having to come to terms with the fact that my photos are again irretrievable :(

Anyway, this morning I have managed to sort out my London pictures which are among the very few I still have (I'm quite tempted to go back to film and having them printed onto paper- old fashioned, but reliable!).

We had an amazing, colourful time and it was so hot! We must have drunk gallons of water. The boys loved hanging out at the skate park at South bank. I have to admit I could have sat all day watching the guys perform tricks- they are so determined! (Plus it was shady!)

I got plenty of graffiti shots for future inspiration. Sorry for the blurriness- it was very dark down the Leake Street tunnel.

We had some retail therapy at Spitalfields Market, which I loved. I bought a satchel and a crocheted collar. I even found some gold DM shoes in the in the Doc Marten shop. (I didn't buy them, but I wish I'd taken a photo).

Our youngest child was getting a bit tired of the heat and all the people, but we didn't want to miss Brick Lane market, so we refreshed ourselves with iced drinks and fresh fruit.

Just the thing for the sizzling temperatures!

Brick Lane is fabulous- I loved it!! It is really vibrant... 

 full of interesting, cool people

                      and shops and stalls filled with curiosities

We came across a fashion photo
shoot, which I think sums up the brightness and fun of the whole area.

 More to follow.....

Have a great week.xx

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